Version HR EffectiveStaff as the selection of individual modules
Do you know the HR information system EffectiveStaff from companies Lanter?
Do you know the HR information system EffectiveStaff from companies Lanter? This is the most complete solution for the area of Human Capital Management HCM – Human Capital Management market in the world. Solution HRES offers customers tremendous opportunities for system configuration (right specialist HR), so that it is completely possible to adapt the resulting product / process requirements of the company. HRES is standard available in 4 versions, such as the full version for HCM (HRES) version for the management of key processes, HR (HRIS), version Performance managemt (PMS) and the version of Learning Management (LMS).
Due to the ongoing development of HR and responses to requests for HR solutions from our customers who have individual areas already addressed other products / solutions, we start our customers to meet and bring to market a new product, and the feasibility of establishing a unique version HRES particular selection all available modules, based on the individual preferences of the client.
Currently available modules to choose from:
Org. structure
HR Administration
Time and Attendance
For further information about how to HRES and individual modules, please contact business representatives Datatip or our partners, or contact us directly through our website.